Ad Agency:
The quattro® coaster lets you virtually build a track and drive an Audi quattro® wherever you like, through all four seasons. You can also explore a detailed 360° view of both inside and outside the car. The app includes 3D and true-to-scale models of the Audi Q2, the Audi Q5, the Audi Q7 and the Audi A7 quattro®. It gives you an accurate impression of the design and features of the cars.
Enjoy the ride!
Advertising Agency: POL, Oslo, Norway
Creative Director / Art Director: Thorbjørn Ruud
Creative Director / Copywriter: Petter Bryde
Digital Designer: Ole Jakob Skattum Bøe
Client Managers: Kjetil Botten Skogly, Emma Karlsson
Production Company:DVA
Additional Credits: Anna Adamson, Johan Ansterus, Bo Gustafsson, Thomas Söderlund